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Xingwen group company party members to relive the party oath

Release time:2015.07.06 Sources: Jiangsu Xingwen packaging group Views:

In 94 anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, to conscientiously implement the spirit of "strict three real education activities, deeply cherish the memory of revolutionary martyrs, inheritance revolutionaries of the older generation not afraid of sacrifice, the revolutionary spirit of arduous struggle, July 1, Xingwen packing all Party members and non party personages 24 people under the lead of Party branch secretary Ma Ningyi comrade, to Jurong Maoshan red revolutionary education base -- Jiangsu Anti Japanese War Victory Monument, held pay tribute ceremony and accept the party's education, revolutionary baptism; once again enhance mutual love party, the patriotic consciousness, firm communist political line, play the exemplary vanguard role of Party members.
In front of the monument, all Party members and cadres, pregnant with the mood of the immense respect to the revolutionary martyrs bow memory, to rest here in the revolutionary martyrs, the expression of endless miss and deep respect.
Subsequently, all the staff visited the Maoshan N4A memorial. In the face of the red flag, all members of a solemn oath, determined to be a qualified member of the Communist party. Exhibition hall of precious literature, with sound, light, electricity, multimedia and high-tech means, Chen Yi, Su Yu and other proletarian revolutionaries of the older generation of the glorious image reproduction, and the New Fourth Army and the southern people fought the tragic scenes. Everyone with the mood of the immense respect, visited the pieces of precious historical pictures and a piece of martyrs relics, make our mind and spirit again time obtained the sublimation.
Through the study tour, we harvest much have said to inherit the revolutionary martyrs behest, bearing in mind the party's purpose, carry forward the party's fine style of work, maintain the party's advanced nature, to achieve the dream of China based job, dedication, hard work, strength for their contribution to the development of the state and enterprises.





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