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Paper printing and printing packaging: new packaging potential huge blue ocean market to be open

Release time:2014.11.04 Sources: Jiangsu Xingwen packaging group Views:

Environmental protection, functional consumption concept gave birth to new packaging, industry overall development lags behind the foreign market "new packaging" is based on the traditional packaging, integrated into the advanced science and technology, so that the traditional packaging in function, design and environmental protection are more innovative. Several new types of high degree of attention in the industry are mainly concentrated in the materials innovation and functional innovation. Europe and the United States, Japan and other developed countries, the market has been the emergence of new packaging enterprises and related products, many domestic listed companies has begun production of composite packaging materials, as a listed company Yuehua package B, Shun shares, but the development of the industry as a whole is backward in foreign countries. With the continuous improvement of environmental protection requirements of the packaging industry, the expansion of the functional requirements of packaging, new packaging will usher in greater development space.
Materials innovation, function innovation go hand in hand, new packaging industry business with a low degree of materials innovation is refers to the use of new materials, makes the packaging in no less than under the premise of the original product performance more environmentally friendly, more to meet consumer demand, mainly including nano packaging, food packaging and green packaging. Functional innovation is the use of new technology to make the package to achieve its original features, including composite packaging, active packaging and self heating and cooling packaging, etc.. At present, most of the nano packaging and intelligent packaging products are still in the laboratory research and development phase, but the food packaging, self heating and cooling packaging are only in Japan, Europe and the United States market has a small range of investment; green packaging industry is weak, the size of the enterprise is less; the composite packaging technology requirements are relatively low, the development is relatively mature.
Tetra Pak: monopoly gradually weaken, the domestic manufacturers to seize the market share of Tetra Pak package developed by the Swedish company Tetra Pak TetraPak is a typical, composite packaging, widely used in milk and other soft drinks packaging.
It has a broad market space and better profitability, according to our estimates, the Tetra Pak in domestic market size of more than 250 billion yuan. Tetra Pak since the seventies of the last century to enter the Chinese market, through the patent protection, bundled sales and control industrial chain, etc., long occupied domestic aseptic packaging market monopoly status. However, with the entry of domestic and foreign manufacturers and market demand, policy environment changes, aseptic packaging industry's monopoly pattern has been weakened, you can look forward to the future of domestic enterprises will continue to grow, to further seize the market share of aseptic packaging.
Cold chain packaging: the traditional bubble box to change, composite cold chain package is in the ascendant with the rise of electricity suppliers and logistics industry, the demand for agricultural products, processed food, cold chain logistics has become a new industry concerns.
Business tycoon have vied for the cold chain logistics, Haibo shares, shares, etc. The Snowman a number of listed companies also have to raise funds overweight cold chain logistics business. At present, the new type of packing has been put into use, such as composite insulation box, composite corrugated box, EPP environmental protection box, etc., whether from the functional point of view or environmental protection point of view can better meet the needs of the future cold chain logistics packaging. In the cold chain logistics, agricultural products will be the main category of the future. Among them, the annual output of the fruit market base, rapid growth, the maturity of the cold chain technology continues to improve, will be the star category of cold chain logistics products. In addition, the pharmaceutical products will become a major category of future development of cold chain logistics market, the vaccine and blood products will be the main growth point, while the diagnostic reagent has great growth potential. At present, China's pharmaceutical cold chain coverage is only 10%, the quality of drugs in the past 20% and the cold chain, can be expected to ensure the quality of drugs in circulation, the coverage rate will continue to improve, which will become one of the main driving force of cold chain packaging market.
Risk prompts new packaging is still in the experimental stage, the technology is not yet mature, low degree of commercialization, the production cost can be further reduced to a great deal of uncertainty; the scale of some new packaging production may face a certain technical barriers.

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