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Paper packaging industry - a subversive breakthrough in the expectation of ideas

Release time:2014.11.04 Sources: Jiangsu Xingwen packaging group Views:

China paper packaging industry development is synchronized with the reform and opening up, after nearly 36 years of hard work, China has now become the world's largest paper packaging production, but it is not a productive power.
The Chinese paper packaging industry is different from the way of the countries and regions such as Europe and the United States. According to the situation of our country, the transformation of the industry development can not apply mechanically, imitate others. How to get out of a new road, is a major issue in front of us.
Difficult to avoid the price war?
Strictly speaking, making paper and carton industry belong to an industry, but in China, these two industries are relatively independent, entirely different. Why is this so? In addition to the impact of China's economic development mode of this big background, the carton industry is also very important to the existence of small farmers. It is this consciousness, which blocks the industrial chain. Eventually, paper-making enterprise scale is more and more big, carton enterprises in order to defend their own one-third of an acre of land, can only rely on forever "guerrilla warfare."
In fact, it is very difficult for carton industry to have a place in the national economic system. First, China's carton business still in it alone, 300 km radius of the market is the growth of the ceiling; secondly, with industry chain in the upper reaches of paper-making enterprises struggle, with the downstream end-users spell, and peer positive competition, carton enterprise were hit with a double whammy, such a business model is ultimately determines the carton industry is small, scattered, chaotic pattern.
At present, China's paper products production has been ranked the world's top. 2011, the world's total production of corrugated cardboard 200220000000 square meters, the output of China reached 53550000000 square meters, accounting for 1/4. However, due to the difference between the statistical caliber, in fact, China's corrugated cardboard production may be far more than this number. China's carton companies like "earth eight road", everywhere, everywhere. In Shanxi, once a street there are 108 carton companies. And the country such as a street there are hundreds of boxes of enterprises, and not just a special case of Shanxi. In the Xiaoshan District of Hangzhou City, the town, the town is a large number of enterprises in the carton box.
Today, there is a serious need to pay attention to the fact that the carton business profits have been very low, because of its high production costs, which the cost of raw materials accounted for about 70% of the total cost. In the face of severe competition between peers, carton companies seem to have no choice, the only way is to use the low price to fight for living space. But the price means is the lowest in the commercial competition, if we all rely on the price war to seek the development, in fact, there is no way out. Thus we see that even if the current industry emerged in a number of financial strength of enterprises, they have the ability to invest tens of millions of dollars or even hundreds of billion yuan to develop carton business, but ultimately face or a problem: difficult for enterprises bigger and stronger, it is difficult to achieve economies of scale.
So it seems, the carton industry is a systemic bottleneck, not a specific part of the problem. That is, the entire carton industry existing business or business model has touched the ceiling, must be a new model of exploration.

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