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Online shopping packaging waste electricity suppliers a week to the carton recycling rate of 15%

Release time:2014.11.04 Sources: Jiangsu Xingwen packaging group Views:

Online shopping more and more fire, so many of the box, the collection of waste products must make big - now, must have a lot of people think so.
"What makes big? The amount is much, but the price is down." In Beijing Baiziwan Residential Open recycling station master Chen said that compared to the previous two years, recycling of waste carton price fell nearly half. A count, not previously earn more.
"Heart is not happy." Master Chen said, a lot of the box can be reused directly as the sale of scrap and waste too ruthlessly, "do not environmental protection, Keng Zisun.
Packaging waste, buyers also feel uneasy. Reading in Chengdu, Xia Wei is a senior buyers, almost every day to visit taobao. Xia Wei is very important to other customers for the owner's evaluation, if you see the seller of goods packed very carefully, I will have a plus." However, looking at their side more and more paper boxes, Xia Wei also hope to give them a place of environmental protection.
In Taobao sell teaching materials in the Jin Sheng Jiang will generally choose paper box to express a variety of books, he admitted that most of the time they will excessive packaging: first paper carefully wrapped, then with tape wrapped around the prison, and in the last he placed on hard carton and gave it to the courier company. In his opinion, Taobao a judge with difference reputably is too large for the seller's business impact, if there is a bump in the delivery process, resulting in a knock horn and damaged the books and not return the books to bear the cost, a bad review caused a chain of losses often let sellers "injury can not afford.
Can be recycled by the seller to recycle cardboard boxes to reduce waste? "A small carton 5 cents, 1 dollars, a big point is less than 2 dollars, far can not be compared with the express delivery fee. I also don't need to add a burden to the buyer. If you want to recycle, only the logistics department to do it on the fly." Jiang Jinsheng said.
In view of the waste of resources of the carton, shop No. 1 recently launched the "1 environmental protection and carton recycling" activities, buyers if the goods will be signed after the return of the carton, each carton can get 50 points. Integral can be used for the purchase of goods, to participate in the draw, for the deduction vouchers, etc.. The program currently covers 1 stores in Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin, Guangzhou and Shenzhen and other cities in nearly 20 cities from the distribution area. According to Liu Hongbin, vice president of the store 1, courier in the home delivery package will automatically inform the customer carton recycling activities, the first week on the first week of the carton recycling rate reached 15%.
Jin Min, associate professor of environmental science at Renmin University of China, said that the recycling rate is relatively high, but this does not mean that we can waste in the processing of paper boxes, in particular, excessive packaging should be highly valued, because the loss of paper is not necessary. "Of course, excessive packaging itself is a market problem, relying solely on the administrative force is not good to completely solve, what goods need to be cartons, which do not need a carton, which can be used in other ways to replace, can be explored."
Jin Min believes that a government led recycling system, with the increase of consumer awareness of environmental protection, can significantly improve the carton recycling efficiency. Her garbage disposal best in the case of Japan, for example, the Japanese will not only waste paper, plastic, metal and other classification, and further refinement, and further refinement, only the paper, including newspapers, cardboard, cardboard boxes and other small, consumers will be household consumption of waste paper by a small class, the municipal department will have a fixed time each month to the door to recycling, consumers only need to bring the paper box to the door or downstairs. This kind of government and the mutual cooperation of the residents of the recycling mode, can ensure that the waste paper box to get the maximum degree of recycling.
For the 1 store carton recycling activities, Jin Min feel very meaningful: This is the performance of enterprises to fulfill their social responsibilities, is worth the whole online shopping and logistics industry to emulate." Jin Min believes that by the way of the integration of the carton, consumers find a convenient way of environmental protection, enterprises can also reduce the cost of recycling through paper boxes, for the government to reduce the implementation costs of the corresponding policies, social parties and mutual benefit and avoid the waste of resources.
Overall, the carton recycling is still a big system involving municipal departments, online shopping operators, logistics industry, consumers, in order to make the carton recycling use of the best benefits, there is still a long way to go." Jin Min said.

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